We are an exterior-only carwash which allows you to get in, out and on your way in less than five minutes. 

About us

A white background with a few lines on it

You never leave your car but simply pay the greeter, then be guided onto the conveyor. You leave the motor running and do the following: 

Put the car in neutral.  Don't Touch your brakes or steering.  Enjoy the ride as the conveyor pulls you through the tunnel where mechanical equipment does all the work.

At the end of the tunnel, a green light will come on and you simply place your car in Drive and pull away. By the way, when that green light comes on, MOVE, or risk being hit by the car behind you. 

Powerful blowers remove most of the water from your car at the end. Any remaining water drops will dry spot free because we use purified, reverse osmosis systems. No spots. Guaranteed! If you'd like your hair to have that wind swept look, just open the window and the 100 mile-per-hour breeze will take care of that for you.

If you need to clean the interior of the car, a free towelette and free vacuums are provided for your convenience. 

Since you never leave your car, YOU and your possessions are safe. It is the safest, fastest way to have a clean car for less than half the cost of a full service wash AND in less than five minutes.


All of our chemicals are safe to use and non-toxic. We applaud OSHA and the UN for creating the new GHS or Globally Harmonized System for classification and labeling of all chemicals and for the design of the new SDS (formerly MSDS) sheets so that regardless of where a person works, the organization of the Safety Data Sheet will be the same everywhere. In 2013, we trained all of our employees on the new sheet and the new standards.

Chemicals, at WildWater Express Carwash, have never been a source of accidents in the workplace. Most injuries happen from lack of attention, using the wrong tool for the job or the simple failure of not thinking before doing.

All of our employees are responsible for their own safety as well as the safety of all other employees, customers and vendors. Whenever they see something that could cause injury, they are individually authorized to stop production until a hazard is cleared. We all want to go home at night with all of our body parts in place. Does it work? Well, we have not had a reportable injury in eight years. You be the judge.

As all of us know, water use is a major concern. We water our landscaping with recycled water and an analysis of our water use in 2013 showed that we used less than 30 gallons per car. If you wash your car at home, you use in excess of 100 gallons AND you rinse the chemicals off into the storm drains, which go directly to the ocean, harming wildlife.

Frequently asked questions

  • Will the equipment damage the paint over time?

    No. I could give you all of the "Why's" but I would rather just tell you that we have a customer in real estate who has washed his Mercedes three times a week, since 2005. I don't believe I need to add anything to that fact.

  • Is a franchise available?

    No. WildWater Express Carwash is a company owned and operated business.

  • Are you open later than the full-service wash?

    Generally, we are open at 7:00 a.m. seven days a week. Closing time varies with the time of year but in the summer we are open until 9:00 p.m. and in the winter until 7:00 p.m. Not only are we open 12-14 hours each day, we are open every day except December 25.

  • Can I purchase additional services such as a detail for the inside.

    No. We are an express wash. Our properties do not have the room for such services nor do we maintain the manpower to handle these requests. As an Express Wash, no person actually touches your vehicle. It is entirely a mechanical process.